Can You Believe That This Man Preached Like This Every Week?

Can You Believe That This Man Preached Like This Every Week? The late Bishop G. E. Patterson preaches like very few ever could in this clip from Palm Sunday 1999! This is Classic Bishop G. E. Patterson!


  1. kelvin turner said

    I truly love and miss Bishop Patterson still and always will I’m still buying his DVD’S I look forward to attending Temple of Deliverence when I’m in the area I belong to Marantha Tabernacle COGIC while I was in Germany I don’t have a COGIC in the USA I’m looking but I attend church regular at my home church which is not COGIC but I do attend Serenity tab COGIC ELD NORRIS PASTOR occasionally love Bro turner

  2. Evangelist S said

    I still miss this Bishop. No one can took this place. I miss is message’s and his songing. I miss all his message on EBT,and also channel 20. It was also on
    the word.. He was everyplace for us all to hear on a weekly basic. I also miss
    his musicans and his choir.. Alot of us still feel lost with this man in charge of the National COGIC.. LET US PRAY!!

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